Mujeres de Verdad - Real Women
Beyonce estará en la portada de Vogue en Marzo 2013
Beyonce will be on the March 2013 Vogue cover
Beyonce will be on the March 2013 Vogue cover
Según todos los pronósticos 2013 va a ser un año de cambios acelerados en todos los sentidos. Revisando algunas portadas de revistas de Enero, ya tenemos un atisbo de algunos de esos cambios en moda, algunos sutiles, otros más radicales.
All prognosis show that 2013 will be a year of fast changes, in every way. Going through some January magazine covers, we already have a peak of changes in fashion, some subtle, other more radical.
Gwen Stefani sale en la primera portada de Vogue para el año 2013.
Gwen Stefani on the first 2013 Vogue cover
Gwen Stefani on the first 2013 Vogue cover
We can finally welcome images of women which, although celebrities, show more natural and voluptuous silhouettes, as opposed to prior models with almost anorexic looks. Our hope in that this trend continues to be accentuated and that we can celebrate the return of healthy and natural looking women.
Kate Upton en la portada de Vogue Británica – Enero 2013
Kate Upton on the British Voge cover - January 2013
On another note stereotypes are being broken; magazine covers not only portray blond women with light eye colors, they are showing different ethnic types such as Fei Fei on the cover of Vogue Italy and Andrej Prejic (a gender-bending model) on the cover of Elle Serbia.
Fei Fei Sun es la primera modelo asiática que aparece sola en la portada de Vogue Italia.
Fei Fei Sun is the first asian model to solo on the Italy Vogue cover.
Fei Fei Sun is the first asian model to solo on the Italy Vogue cover.
Andrej Prejic es el primer hombre en aparecer en la portada de Elle Serbia - Enero 2013.
Andrej Prejic, the first gender-bending model to appear on the cover of Elle Serbia - January 2013
En nuestra opinión no solamente son buenos cambios, son MAGNIFICOS cambios. Tal vez sea cierto lo que dicen por ahí y en el 2013 veremos pasos gigantes hacia un estilo de vida más saludable, una mejor sociedad donde nuestros valores prevalezcan y donde las personas finalmente acepten que todos somos diferentes, todos somos únicos y todos somos bellos, cada uno a su manera. Andrej Prejic, the first gender-bending model to appear on the cover of Elle Serbia - January 2013
Les invitamos a trabajar en esto los próximos 362 días, cada día.
As far as we are concerned these are not only good changes, they are GREAT changes. Maybe it’s true what they say and in 2013 we will witness a giant step in the direction of a healthier life style, a better society where our core values prevail, and people will finally come to terms with the fact that we are all different, we are all unique, and we are all beautiful in our own way.
We invite you to work on this the next 362 days, everyday.
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