Tutorial - Pulsera Con 7 Vueltas - Bracelet With 7 Strings

¿Piensas que es difícil de hacer?

Think this is difficult to make?

Pues nada más fácil. Y te lo vamos a demostrar en 4 simples pasos:

Well, it’s very easy. And we’ll show you in 4 simple steps.

1. Make 7 loops around your fingers. You can make more or less but 7 are ideal.
2. Now make 4 loops around the 7 big ones.
3. Pass one of the ends inside the 4 loops
4. Pull the end to adjust the knot  and adjust the 7 loops

Ahora agrega dijes, pendientes, piedras - lo que quieras- para personalizar tu pulsera. ¡Disfruta haciendo diferentes versiones!

Now add pendants, stones –whatever you want- to personalize your bracelet. Enjoy making different versions!


Have fun!

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